

学历 :

1982-1990   PhD, University of California, Berkeley 1982 年–1990 年 加利福尼亚大学伯克利校 博士學位

PhD in Chinese Studies (including two years of study at Fudan University in China, and the first two years of a tenure-track lectureship at SOAS) 中國學博士 (包括復旦大學兩年留學)

1976-1982    MA, University of California, Berkeley 1976 年–1982 年 加利福尼亚大学伯克利校 碩士學位

MA in Chinese Studies (including two years of language study in Taiwan, and one year in Japan) 中國學碩士 (包括兩年在台灣的語言學習、一年在日本留學)

1972-1976    AB, University of California, Berkeley 1972 年–1976 年 加利福尼亚大学伯克利校 學士學位

AB Oriental Languages Chinese 東方語言(中文)學士

Research grants(研究基金) :

“From Transculturation to Culture-Specific Ethics: The Implementation of Confucian Ritual Forms in 19th Century Japan.”
科学研究費補助金(基金), 19K00937 (2019–2021).
(課題:“從跨文化到特定文化的倫理:19 世紀日本儒家儀式形式的實施”)

“Transculturation in the Introduction of Confucian Rituals in 18th Century Japan.”科学研究費補助金(基金), 16K02996 (2016–2018).
(“18 世紀日本儒家形式引進中的跨文化構造”)

“The Reproduction of Visible Confucian Forms in 17th Century Japan as a Case of Transculturation.”

科学研究費補助金(基金), 25370747 (2013–2015).
(“17 世紀日本可視儒家儀式再現的研究──作為跨文化的一個案例”)


Current Positions 現任職位:
Sept 2012-present Chair and Director 2012 年–現在 主席、總監
Research Centre for East Asian Cultures 牛津大學東亞研究中心
St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford 牛津大學聖安學院


April 1991-present Fellow, Professor 院士、教授 1991 年 4 –現在
St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford 牛津大學聖安學院
Associate Professor in Classical Chinese 中國古典副教授
Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford 牛津大學東方學學部

Oct 2017-present Guest Professor 2017 10 月–現在 ( 客员教授 )
Department of History, Peking University

Previous Positions 前任職位:

October 2014- March 2020

Vice-Principal 2014 10 月–2020 3 月 副學長

St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford 牛津大學聖安學院

September 2016- April 2017

Acting Principal 2016.9 月–2017.4 執行學長

St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford 牛津大學聖安學院

April 2018- July 2018

Dayatang Visiting Scholar 2018.4 月–7 (大雅堂访问学者)

International Academy of China Studies, Peking University北京大学国际汉学家基地

April 2020- September 2020

Distinguished Professor 2020.4 月–9 (著名教授)

Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo東京大学東洋文化研究所

October 2009- March 2020

Guest Professor 2009.10 月–2020.3 (客員教授)

Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo東京大学東洋文化研究所

October 1988-March 1991

Lecturer in Chinese (tenure-track) 1988.10 月–1991.3 月 終身講師
 Far East Department, SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院遠東系

Editorship of the International Journal of Asian Studies (IJAS) 《國際亞洲研究季刊》
Published by Cambridge University Press 劍橋大學出版社出版

October 2009- March 2020

Managing Editor 2009 10 月–2020 3 月 總編輯

Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo東京大学東洋文化研究所

Oversaw the editing and production of IJAS volumes 7 to 16. All issues during this period were published on time. 總管 IJAS 的編輯與出版全過程。此期間全部按時出版。


Main Publications:(主要出版物)

Creating Confucian Authority: The Field of Ritual Learning in Early China to 200 CE (Leiden: Brill, 2021). ISBN 978-90-04-46191-8 (hardback) ISBN 978-90-04-46531-2 (e-book)

“School and Confucius Temple in Late Eighteenth-Century Japan: Background and Significance of the Founding of the Kōjōkan in Yonezawa Domain,” Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo Kiyō 東洋文化研究所紀要 (Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) 174 (February 2019), pp. 204–168 (1– 37). ISSN 05638089

“The Meirinkan School Temple in Hagi Domain: Ritual Forms and their Purpose in Confucian Education in Eighteenth Century Japan,” Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo Kiyō 東洋文化研究所紀要 (Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) 172 (December 2017), pp. 122–100 (1–23). ISSN 05638089
(“萩藩明倫館寺院:18世紀日本儒家教育的儀式形式及其目的” 《亞洲高等研究院期刊》172,東京大學2017)

“Visual Power and Moral Influence: The Taku Confucius Temple and its Chinese Counterparts,” Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo Kiyō 東洋文化研究所紀要 (Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) 170 (December 2016), pp. 450–422 (1–29). ISSN 05638089
(“視覺力量和道德影響:多久孔廟及其中國對映” 《亞洲高等研究院期刊》170,東京大學2016)

“Zhu Shunshui on the Nature of Confucian Learning in China and Japan,” Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo Kiyō 東洋文化研究所紀要 (Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) 168 (December 2015), pp. 320–277 (1–44). ISSN 05638089
(“朱舜水論中日儒學本質” 《亞洲高等研究院期刊》168,東京大學2015)

“Zhuzi xuepai lixuezhong de jili: dui meide lunlixue de qidi 朱子學派禮學中的祭禮──對美德倫理學的啓迪” (The Zhu Xi School’s Lixue Scholarship on Sacrificial Offerings: Implications for Virtue Ethics), in Ye Chunfang 葉純芳 and Qiao Xiuyan 喬秀岩 eds., Zhu Xi lixue jiben wenti yanjiu朱熹禮學基本問題研究 (Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, [September] 2015), pp. 1–8. ISBN 9787101109474

“Patterns of Confucian Cultural Transmission as Reflected in the Self-Perception of Zhu Shunshui in Japan,” Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo Kiyō 東洋文化研究所紀要 (Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) 166 (December 2014), pp. 284–247 (1–38). ISSN 05638089
(“在日期間朱舜水自我認知中所體現的儒家文化傳播模式” 《亞洲高等研究院期刊》166,東京大學2014

“Zhu Shunshui’s Plans for the Confucian Ancestral Shrines (Zongmiao 宗廟) in Kaga Domain,” Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo Kiyō 東洋文化研究所紀要 (Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) 164 (December 2013), pp. 348–317 (21–52). ISSN 05638089

《西方汉学之“礼”观》 World Sinology 《世界汉学》7 (2010), pp. 29–37.

“Grass-Roots Militarism and its Portrayal in the Novels of Jin Yong,” in Wang Ch’iu-kui et al. eds., Proceedings of the International Conference on Jin Yong’s Novels (Taipei: Yuan-liou Publishing Co., 1999), pp. 573–85.
(“大衆武功在金庸小說中的寫照”《金庸小說國際學術會議論文集》臺北:源流出版社, 1999)

“Transcendents, Sorcerers, and Women Warriors: Huanzhulouzhu’s Mountain Sword-warriors of Sichuan,” in Hua-yuan Li Mowry ed., Stories and Songs: A Festschrift for Cyril Birch, CHINOPERL Papers 20–22 (1999), pp. 169–89.
(“超凡,巫師與女俠:還珠樓主的四川山劍士”《故事和歌曲:白之(Cyril Birch) 節刊, 1999》中国俗曲演唱文学研究会) 註:白之是柏克萊加州大學東方語文系主任

“The Imperial Household Cults,” in Joseph McDermott ed., State and Court Ritual in China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 237–266.

“Ancient Religion in China and the West Compared,” Journal of Ancient Civilizations 12 (Changchun: 1997), pp. 11–23.

“Rituals and Scriptures of the Stove Cult,” in David Johnson ed., Ritual and Scripture in Chinese Popular Religion (Berkeley: Chinese Popular Culture Project, 1995), pp. 1–54.

“The Stove God and the Overseer of Fate,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Popular Beliefs and Chinese Culture (Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies, 1994), pp. 655–82.

tr., Blades from the Willows (London: Wellsweep Press, 1991). First volume of a translation of Huanzhulouzhu, Liu hu xia yin 柳湖俠隱 (Shanghai, 1946), with introduction, 256 pp.
(《柳湖俠隱》還珠樓主譯本 上冊,倫敦:Wellsweep Press 出版社)

“Folktales on the God of the Stove,” Chinese Studies 8 (1990), pp. 149–182. 
