

所属单位 :
西方古典学中心 世界古代史教研室
学历 :

2011-2018        Ph.D. Ancient History, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 宾夕法尼亚大学古典学系获古代史博士学位   

2015-2017        Regular & Associate Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens.  


2006-2009        M.A. Languages & Literature National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung.


2002-2006        Cert. Classics & Medieval Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei.

2001-2006    B.A. Languages & Literature, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung.

任职简历 :

2020.10-   北京大学历史学系助理教授 Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Peking University, Beijing

2018.10-2020.9  北京大学历史学系国际交流引进博士后 Postdoctoral Researcher, Peking University

考古工作与博物馆研究经验 :

2023 Palazzo Simi in Bari and the convent of Sant'Antonio in Taranto of the National  Superintendence for Underwater Cultural Heritage ( study and photography of funerary   contexts from Rutigliano, Loc. Purgatorio, Didonna, and Azetium)

2023 ASCSA Visiting Senior Associate Fellow, Athens (Photography of inscriptions, Beroia)

2019 ASCSA Visiting Senior Associate Fellow, Athens (squeezes at the Theater of  Dionysus, IG II² 3427 = NK284; IG II² 4215 = ΝΚ276)

2016.5.30-2016.6.30 Corinth Archaeological Museum, Coin Collection (May 30th to June 30th)于希腊古哥林多考古博物馆进行钱币研究工作。

Report: “Corinth Chinese Coin: Chronology and Contextualization.” Unpublished.

2015.5.31-2015.6.28 Archaeotek Roman Provincial Settlement Excavation and Survey (Rapoltu-Mare, Romania,  May 31st to June 28th).于罗马尼亚大拉坡图参加Archaeotek主持的罗马行省聚落考古发掘与田野工作。

通讯联络 :




History Department, Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Beijing, China 100871




本科教学: 古希腊罗马史、古希腊史、希腊化时期的地中海、罗马帝国史、世界古代史练习、基础拉丁语练习、基础古希腊语、古希腊语阅读、古典学导论 

研究生教学: 罗马史研究




1. 《Context and Transmission of a Tang Dynasty coin in Thirteenth Century Corinth》 《Hesperia》93.1(The American School of Classical Studies at Athens,2024)[同侪评议]

2. 《语序对翻译拉丁语文本的重要性:以塔西陀《编年史》片段为例》《 功成行滿見真如:康士林教授八秩榮慶論文集》(書林出版社,2023年)

3. 《罗马帝国时期行省总督的危机管理:以马其顿贝瑞亚城的水利施为例》《古代法律碑刻研究第二輯》(中国政法大学出版社,2022年)

4.  《从铭刻看罗马帝国时期马其顿共同体的区域性》《古典中世纪研究集刊》第三辑(上海商务印书馆,2022年)

5. 《罗马帝国时期行省总督的危机管理:以马其顿贝瑞亚城的水利设施为例》《古代法律碑刻研究》第二輯(中国政法大学出版社,2022年)

6. 《Of Wellbeing or Savior? Emending the Herennia Announcement》《The East Asian Journal of Classical Studies》1(TACMRS, 2022年) [同侪评议]

7. 《简谈西方古典学铭刻研究的若干发展与挑战》,彭小瑜、高峰枫、吴天岳编,《古典与中世纪研究》第二辑(上海商务印书馆,2020年)

8. 《怜悯之心:陆克瑞提乌的社会发展论》,余慧珠、郭如苹编,《侠义行:跨界与传承─苏其康教授荣退纪念文集》(书林出版社,2020年)

9. 《奥维德的圣所与其意义》《都市文化研究》第十七期(上海师范大学都市文化研究中心,2017年)

10. 《Lucian’s Lepidus: Problems with Identification》《止善学报》第二十一期(朝阳科技大学,2016年) [同侪评议]

11. 《Live Like a King: The Monument of Philopappus and the Continuity of Client-Kingship》《Perceiving Power in Early Modern Europe》(Palmgrave Macmillan, 2016)


1. 《The Sum of all Victories? Reassessing a Sinopean Victory List (IK Sinope no. 105)》《Anatolian Studies》74(2024)[同侪评议]

2. 《Administering the Han and the Roman Iron Industries: Approaching the Comparison of Governance Behaviors》《Law, Institutions, and Economic Performance in Classical Antiquity》(待刊)[同侪评议]

3. 《Oropos 290:公元前四世纪上半叶以前安斐阿若圣所的雅典式决议与建筑细则译释》《北大史学》(社会科学文献出版社,待刊)


1. 《Review: Vassilis Evangelidis, The archaeology of Roman Macedonia: urban and rural environments》《Bryn Mawr Classical Review》 (Bryn Mawr College, 2023.04.24) [同侪评议]

2. 《Review: The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World》,《Bryn Mawr Classical Review》 (Bryn Mawr College, 2021) [同侪评议]

3. 《Review: Koina und Concilia: Genese, Organisation und sozioökonomische Funktion der Provinziallandtage im römischen Reich》,《Bryn Mawr Classical Review》 (Bryn Mawr College, 2021)[同侪评审]

4. 《Review: Kulturtransfer und monarchischer "Philhellenismus": Bithynien,Pontus und Kappadokien in hellenistischer Zeit》,《止善学报》第十六期(朝阳科技大学,2014年)


1. Heracleote and Amastrian Connectedness: External Prosopographies (and Coins). 2024 AIA/SCS Joint Annual Meeting January 4th-7th, 2024, in Chicago, IL.

2. Governor versus Bakers: Ways to Deal with Disorder at Ephesus. 17th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Chinese Culture University Taipei, Taiwan, October 20-21, 2023.

3. Sinope's Changing Eras: An Adaptive Perspective. Celtic Conference in Classics, Panel “Manipulating Time in Roman Culture,” Coimbra, Portugal, July 11-14, 2023.

4. Augustan marriage laws in Augustan Inscriptions: Signs of Persuasion? Classical Association Annual Conference, Cambridge, UK, April 21-23, 2023.

5. An Epigraphic View on the Dynamics of Amastrian Peripheral Integration in the "Amstriane." The 154th AIA and SCS Joint Annual Meeting, January 5–8, 2023, New Orleans.

6. A Gladiatorial Duel in Pontus: The Lucian Version. 16th TACMRS International Conference, Tamkang University, October 21-22, 2022.

7. Diversity and Dynamism in the "Amastriane": Cooperation and Integration. Competition and Cooperation in the Ancient World Workshop, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Arts, September 19-20, 2022.

8. Regionalism in the Amastrian Territorium: An Epigraphic Perspective. Classical Association Annual Conference, 2022. Sweansea, April 8-11, 2022.

9. 《Travelling to the Koinon Assembly – Provincial Level Elite Mobilization during the Principate》,the 15th TACMRS International Conference, National Taiwan Normal University, October 22-23, 2021.

10. 《Counting Victories or Years? The Curious Case of the Sinopean Victory List》, the 152nd AIA and SCS Joint Annual Meeting, January 7-10, 2021, Chicago.

11. 《The Politics of Communal Feasting in Roman Macedonia》, the 14th TACMRS International Conference, National Taiwan University, October 23-24, 2020, Taipei.

12. 《Of Health or Savior? Emending the Herennia Hispana Inscription》, Association of Ancient Historians Annual Conference, April 23-25, 2020, Iowa City.

13. 《The Emperor's Health and Gladiatorial Shows in Roman Macedonia》,the 13th Annual International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, 1-2 November 2019, Taipei.

14. 《Revisiting the Comparison of the Iron Industries of the Han and the Roman Empires》, Law, Institutions, and Economic Performance in Classical Antiquity. Celtic Conference in Classics, 26–29 June 2019, Coimbra.

15. 《Evidence for a Regional Assembly in Pre-Trajanic Coastal Paphlagonia》, the 150th AIA and SCS Joint Annual Meeting, January 3–6, 2019, Boston.

16. 《Rural Koina in Macedonia: Cultic or Social Organizations?》 the Twelfth International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Puli, Taiwan, October 19-20, 2018.

17. 《Context and Transmission of a Tang Dynasty Chinese Coin in Thirteenth Century Corinth》, the Forty-fourth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, San Antonio, USA, October 4-7, 2018.

18. 《Three Documents of the Koinon of the Cities in Pontus》, 149th Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies. Boston, Jan. 4-8, 2018.

19. 《Amastrian High Priests: Leading Men of the Koinon of the Cities in Pontus?》, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH), King’s College London, Strand campus, March 25, 2017.

20. 16.《Constructing Time under the Roman Empire: The Politics of Time-Reckoning in Herakleia Pontika, Amastris, and Sinope》, the 147th Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies. San Francisco, Jan. 6-9, 2016.

21. 《Lepidus the Archiereus of Pontus: Guardian of Amastris against the Cult of Glykon?》, the Ninth International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Taipei: National Taiwan University, 23-24 October 2015.

22. 《Live Like a King: Commagenian Siblings and their Royal Roman Identity》, the8th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Rulership: Kings and Queens in Elite and Popular Cultures. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-Sen University, Oct. 23-25, 2014.


2017.6美国宾夕法尼亚大学President Gutmann Leadership Award

2017.3美国雅典古典学研究院Paul Rehak Travelling Fellowship

2016.3美国雅典古典学研究院Capps Fellowship

2015.7美国宾夕法尼亚大学考古学与人类学博物馆Student Field Research Grant

2015.3美国宾夕法尼亚大学考古学与人类学博物馆Colburn Fellowship


2024 本科教改项目“古希腊制陶工艺链实践与实作”

2023 本科教改项目“西方古典学文物实践实作”

2023 文科科研创新项目“从古意大利南部墓葬看文化互鉴问题”

2021 国家社科基金一般项目“罗马帝国东部行省总督政令中的地方自治与帝国治理研究” (21BSS043)

2019 中国博士后第66批面上项目“区域性的冲击:罗马帝国行省下的合作与一体性” (2019M660354)