所属单位 :
学历 :

2001-2007Ph.D, History Department, PKU(北京大学历史学系)。
1997-2001B.A., History Department, PKU(北京大学历史学系)。
August 2008“Citizenship, Human Rights and Identity Formation Factory of Ideas (XI): Advanced Course in Ethnic and Racial Studies,” Center of Afro-Oriental Studies and Federal University of Bahia in Brazil; Sponsors: Ford Foundation, SEPHIS Program, CAPES, CNP, Research Foundation of the State of Bahia. Hours: 160.

任职简历 :

1.Aug. 2022 to present,  Professor, History Department, PKU(教授)。

2.Feb. 2015- Dec.2019, Vice Dean of History Department, PKU(副系主任)。
3.Nov. 2012-Apr. 2014, Visiting Scholar in Central Eurasian Studies Department at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.
4.Aug. 2011 to present, Associate professor, History Department, PKU;(副教授)。
5.July 2010 to August 2011, Vice dean (concurrent post), Humanity School, Tibet University, Lhasa; in charge of scientific research.
6.Apr. 2009 to Aug. 2011, Lecturer, History Department, PKU; (讲师)。
7.2007-2009, Postdoctoral researcher, Sociology Department, PKU;(博士后)。
8.June-July 2008, Visiting researcher, Bo?azi?i University, Turkey.
9.2005–2006, Visiting researcher, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.

研究兴趣 :


通讯联络 :



1.Islam and Modern World 伊斯兰教与现代世界
2.Introduction to Turkish History, Language and Culture
3.Nationalism and World History 民族主义与世界历史
4.Introduction to Studies of Nationalism 民族主义研究导论
5.The Mediterranean Region: from present to past (co-teaching course).



1. Modern State and Nation Building: a study on Turkish nationalism in the early 20th century, Monograph, Beijing: Sanlian Publisher, August 2011(专著《现代国家与民族建构——20世纪前期土耳其民族主义研究》,北京:三联书店,20118).

◎Academic Journal Articles/学术论文:

1. “Spiritual Connections between Turkey and China: History and Imagination,” in Journal of New Silk-Roadology, No. 1, Vol. 1, Shekewenxian Publisher, Beijing, June 2017(“中国和土耳其之间的精神联系:历史与想象,《新丝路学刊》第1期,社科文献出版社,20176).
2. “Turkey Dream”and the China-Turkish Cooperation under“One Belt and One Road” Initiative in Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 10, No. 3, 2016.
3. “A Historical Analysis on Turkey’s Multilateralism of Foreign Policy” in Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia),Vol. 9, No. 3, September, 2015.
4. “Turkey, Eurasianism and Silk Road Economic Belt: a note of intellectual history,” in China Book Review( “土耳其、欧亚主义丝绸之路经济带’——一则思想史的侧记,《中国图书评论》第9期,20159)
5. “The Difficulties of the Transformational States: a comparative studies on political turmoil in recent Turkey and Ukraine,” in Leaders, Vol. 65, 2015(“转型国家之困——近年土耳其与乌克兰政治不稳定的原因,《领导者》,2015年总第65)
6. “On Intellectual Challenges Proposed by the Belt and Road Initiative,” in Economics, No. 3, 2015(“‘一带一路给我们的智识挑战,《经济科学》,2015年第3)
7. “Rethinking the 'Secularizaion' thesis of social science, ” in Journal of Beijing Normal University, supplementary issue, 2011( “对社会科学理论之世俗化命题的反思”,《北京师范大学学报》2011年增刊); revised version published in Xu Zhang Run and Zhai Zhiyong, eds., The Secular Order: from the world of mind to politics of lawLaw Publisher2013.
8. “Turkish Nationalism and the Reconstruction of National History, ”in Oriental History Review, Vol. 3, 2013(“土耳其的民族主义与族史重构《东方历史评论》第三辑,2013)
9. “The Mughal Empire and its Historical Heritages,” in National Interest, Vol. 8, Law Publisher, 2012 (“莫卧儿帝国的兴衰及其遗产,《大观》第8卷,法律出版社,2012)
10. “Turkey Model: past and present,” in Journal of Xinjiang Normal University, March, 2012( “土耳其模式:历史与现实,”《新疆师范大学学报》,20123)
11. “Ottoman, Islamic or Turkish? An Analysis About Different Discourses during Turkish National Movement, 1919-1923,” in Beijing: West Asia and Africa, Vol. 1, 2012 (“奥斯曼、伊斯兰还是土耳其?——浅析土耳其独立运动的革命话语问题,《西亚非洲》,2012年第1)
12. “Rethinking Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamism from the Historical Perspective,” in National Interest, Vol. 5, 2011 (“从历史的角度重新认识双泛《大观》,2011年第5期,法律出版社)
13. “The geographical and the civilizational: constructing the Chinese commonsense cognition of Central Asia,” in National Interest, Vol. 5, 2011 (“地缘与文明:建立对中亚的常识性认知,《大观》,2011年第5)
14. “State and Society during the process of modernization——centering on the case of Egypt,” in Leaders, Vol. 43, 2011(“现代化进程中的国家与社会——以埃及革命为中心,《领导者》,201112月总第43)
15. “An Overview of Turkish Studies in China,” in Turkish Studies Review (Turkiye Arastirmalari Literatur Dergisi-TAL?D), Issue 15, Spring, 2010
16. “Modernization of Iran and the Ideals of an Islamic Revolution,” in National Interest, Vol. 1, 2010 (“伊朗的现代化与伊斯兰革命理念,《大观》,2010年第1期,法律出版社)
17. “Sino-Turkish Relationship and Turkey’s Perceptions on the Rise of China,” in Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2009
18. “Ziya G?kalp’s Thoughts on Turkish Nationalism and Modernization,” in Beijing: West Asia and Africa, August 2008 (“民族主义与现代化格卡尔普的民族主义思想,《西亚非洲》,20088)
19. “Why did Turks Seek the American Trustee after WWⅠ?” in Twenty-first Century, Hongkong, Vol.101, June, 2007( “‘一战后土耳其人寻求美国托管之原因,香港:《二十一世纪》,20076月号,总第101)
20. “East Turkestan, Pan-Turkism and Turkey: History and Present,” in China Social Sciences, No. 3, 2008 (“‘东突问题、泛突厥主义与土耳其:历史和现状,《中国社会科学(内刊)》,2008年第3)
21. “Guided Modernity: Historical Reconsideration of Turkey’s Modernization,” in Journal of Studies on Historical Theories, No. 1, 2009 (“被管理的现代性--对土耳其现代化的历史反思,《史学理论研究》,2009年第1)
22. “Historiography and Ideology: Paradigms of Studies on Turkish Modern History”, in Bei Da Shi Xue (PKU Clio), Jan. 2007(历史学与意识形态:土耳其现代史研究的几种范式,《北大史学》, 2007)

◎Book chapters/合著:

1. “The Islamic World of Middle East during the Process of Modernization,” Chapter 27 in Keyao Ma eds., History of World Civilizations, Beijing: Peking University Press, revised version 2016 (马克垚主编:《世界文明史》,北京大学出版社2016修订版)
2. “An Alternative Partner to the West? Turkey’s Growing Relations with China,” in Niv Horesh, ed., Toward Well-oiled Relations? China’s Presence in the Middle East Following the Arab Spring, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
3. “ ‘civil religion’ and the thesis of secularization,” in Fang Lili and Yu Huifang eds., Intellectual Movement during Social Transformation, Peking University Publisher, 2011(“‘公民宗教与世俗化问题——一项思想史的考察,方李莉、于慧芳主编:《中国见解:社会变迁中的知识运动》,北京大学出版社,2011)
4. “Why did the Ottoman Empire Collapse while the Chinese Qing Empire didn’t?” in Territory, Nation and Identity of Ancient China, Zhonghua Publishing Bureau(“为什么奥斯曼帝国崩溃了,晚清中国却没有?姚大力、罗新等:《殊方未远:古代中国的疆域、民族与认同》,中华书局2016年版)
5. “Culture in Globalization,” in Shunguo He ed., Globalization and Asian-Pacific Regional Societies, Jiang Xi People’s Publishing House, 2009(“文化与全球化,何顺果主编:《全球化与亚太地区社会》(合著),江西人民出版社,2009)

◎Other selected articles/其他作品:

1. Rediscovering Turkey, Xi Nan Cai Jing Publisher, China, Sept 2016(a collection of published articles in Chinese;《重新发现土耳其》(文集),西南财经出版社,20169月版,第一作者)
2. “The Palace of Arabian Dream, reviewing Lawrence of Arabia, ”in Shanghai Book Review, Jan. 18, 2015( “阿拉伯的梦幻宫殿”,评《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》,《上海书评》,2015118)
3. “On Kurkish Question,” in Shanghai Book Review, Nov. 16, 2014(从库尔德问题谈起,上海书评)20141116)
4. “The value and limits of history of civilization, reviewing History of World Civilizations,” in Bo Lan Qun Shu, July 2017(“文明史的价值与局限(评《世界文明史》),《博览群书》,20167)
5. “The Turkish Military Coup from the Perspective of Macro History,” in Shanghai Book Review, Aug. 1, 2016 (“大历史视野下的土耳其军人政变,《上海书评》,201681)
6. “The Egyptian Revolution from the perspective of history,”in Beijing Cultural Review, no.4, 2011( “历史视野下的埃及革命,《文化纵横》,2011年第4)
7. “'Turkish Model' and Islamic Democracy, ”in China Reform, Vol. 4, 2011. ( “‘土耳其模式伊斯兰/民主问题,《中国改革》,2011年第4)
8. “Conflict betweet two types of Turkish elites,”in World Affairs, Aug. 2011(“土耳其两种精英的斗争,《世界知识》,20118);
9. “The Limits of Turkey as a Model,”in Shanghai Economic Review, July 23, 2013 ( “‘土耳其模式之困,《上海经济评论》,2013723)
10. “The Implied Problem for Open Politics during Transformation,” in People’s Forum, August 2013 (“转型时期的开放政治隐忧,《人民论坛》,20138)
11. “The Sweet Fruit on the Branch of Hope, reviewing the historical novel Smarkand by Maaruf Emin, ”in Shanghai Book Review, Sept. 11, 2017 (“希望枝头的一枚甜果——评《撒马尔罕》,《上海书评》,2017911)
12. “Turkey’s Relationship with the Issue of East Turkistan in China,” in Beijing: Chinese Economy, vol. 83, August, 2009( “土耳其与东突不解之缘《中国经济》,20098月,第83)
13. “The Islamic Nature of Democratic Iran,” in Beijing Cultural Review, no.10, 2010(“民主伊朗的伊斯兰属性,《文化纵横》,2010年第10)
14. “Meeting Kurds in Turkey,” in SEPHIS: Global South (Holland), April 200915. “bian dong bu ju de dao lu?”(Turkey’s Bumpy Road towards Secularism?), in Dushu, Beijing, Nov., 2007变动不居的道路?《读书》,200711月)。
16. “Bei Cheng Ren de Wen Ti”(The Kurdish Identity in Turkey), in Dushu, Beijing, Feb. 2009.被承认的问题,《读书》,20092月)。
17. “The Decline of Ottoman Empire and the Birth of Turkish Nationalism”, in Daguo (National Interest), Vol. 4, Beijing, 2005.奥斯曼帝国的衰败与土耳其民族主义的产生,《大国》,2005年第4期)。
18. “Is Modernization an Ideology?”, in Bo Lan Qun Shu, Vol. 8, 2004(“现代化是意识形态?”《博览群书》,2004年第8)
19. “Romanization of Alphabets and Turkey’s Modernization,” in World Affairs, No. 1510, June 2009字母拉丁化与土耳其的现代化,《世界知识》,20096月)。

◎Translations of other authors’ works into Chinese/译作:

1. “从暴政到专制主义:启蒙对土耳其人的无知图画Asli Cirakman,“From Tyranny to Despotism: The Enlightenment’s Unenlightened Image of the Turks,”in International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 33, No. 1., Feb, 2001, pp. 49-68),收入林国华主编海国图志丛书之《欧罗巴与亚细亚》,上海人民出版社,2010
2. “法国的、德国的与美国的:土耳其的高等商务教育,1883-2003”(The French, the German and the American: Higher Education for Business in Turkey, 1883-2003, in New Perspectives on Turkey, 2004 , 31:5-38),收入黄万盛主编:《人文学与大学理念》,江苏教育出版社,2007
3. 威亚尔达:《非西方发展理论——地区模式与全球趋势》(Howard J.Wiarda, Non-Western Theories of Development: Regional Norms Versus Global Trends, Wadsworth Publishing, 1998; co-translation with Dong Zhenghua and Zheng Zhenqing),北京大学出版社,2006
4. 加尔布雷斯:没有心肝的社会John Kenneth Galbraith, “The Heartless Society”, New York Times, September 2, 1984),载《开放时代》,2006年第5期。
5. 阿克储拉:三种政策Yusuf Ak?ura, Three Policies/ü? Tarz? Siyaset, in H.B. Paksoy ed., Central Asia Reader: the rediscovery of history, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe,1994, 《大国》,2005年第4期。


1. “Constructing the Chinese commonsense cognition of Central Asia,” International Conference of “History and Present Situation of the Western Region”,Xinjiang(《建立中国对中亚的常识性认知》,西域的历史与现状国际会议,新疆:201199-11)
2. “A Historical Rethinking of the Discourse of "two-panism" Theory,”The Nineteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference, March 3, 2012, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
3. “China and Turkey at the Crossroads of the 21st Century,” 17-24 October, 2012, Bogazici University, Istanbul.
4. “Pan-Turkism and Xinjiang,”International Conference on Chinese Civilization and the China-West Exchange: History and Future, Xi’an(《泛突厥主义与新疆》,历史与展望:中西交通与华夏文明国际学术研讨会暨丝绸之路经济带高层论坛,西北师范大学,2014818-20)
5. “Over Review on Studies on Turkish Nationalism,” Second Junior Scholars’ Forum of History and Order, PKU(《土耳其民族主义研究的现状》,第二届历史与秩序青年学者论坛:中央欧亚研究的现状与展望,北京大学,201493)
6. China-Turkey relationship in the 21st Century, International Conference on Sino-Turkey Relationship; Istanbul University, 20153月。

7. “Turkey as a Model for China in the Early 20th Century,”Joint Conference: The Silk Road Heritage in Asia's Imagined Futures, 14-15 May, 2015, University of Nottingham, UK.
8. Round Table: "Perspectives on Eurasian Connectivity: realizing the benefits from sustainable competitiveness," July 4 2015, Torino of Italy. 9. “Secularism in the History of Turkey,” 2016 Symposium on Turkey’s History and Culture, Shanghai University(《世俗主义在土耳其》,土耳其:历史和文化”2016年学术研讨会,上海大学,20161021-23)
10. “From Kemalism to Erdoganism: A New Interpretation of Laiklik by AKP in Turkey,” The 5th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East, Sept. 24-25, 2016, Shanghai.
11. “Global history and the interaction network in Inner Asian History,” The 5th Forum of Global History: Empire and Revolution in 19th Century, Beijing Capital Normal University, Nov. 12-13, 2016.
12. “Ideological factors in the relationship between Turkey and China, ” The 4th Symposium on Xinjiang Studies, Sichuan University, Nov. 25-26, 2016(《土中关系中的意识形态因素》,“新疆研究沙龙第四期,四川大学)
13. “Spiritual Connections between Turkey and China: History and Imagination,” The 5th China Forum on Frontier Studies, Shanghai(《中国和土耳其之间的精神关联:历史与想象》,“第五届边疆中国论坛暨社会转型、知识话语与新边疆学学术研讨会,”201756-8)
14. “Turkish Studies in China since 1949,” Symposium on 60 years’ relationship between China and the Middle East, Beijing, Dec. 13-14 2009(“六十年来中国的土耳其研究,中国与中东六十年研讨会,中国中东学会、中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所联合主办)
15. “Turkey’s Perception on China as a Rising Power,” THE SEVENTH METU CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: HEGEMONY or EMPIRE? Ankara, June 18-20, 2008.

16. “The Turish Model from the Perspective of Arab Spring,” Second Symposium of Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Peking University, October 21, 2011.
17. Second Symposium on "Transformation in West Asia and North Africa," at Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, June 19, 2012.